Chocolate glaze
500gr pate a glacer (or prima dipping glaze)
200gr simple syrup
250gr heavy cream
50gr glucose
10gr cocoa powder
Simmer the heavy cream, syrup, glucose, cacao powder, and pour over the 2 chocolates.
Albinao chocolate mousse
25gr sugar
50gr yolks
150gr Valrhona Abinao 85% chocolate
300gr whipped cream (soft peak)
Make a crème anglaise, pour it over the chocolate, emulsify.
Fold with the soft peak cream.
Liquid caramel
150gr glucose
150gr heavy cream
150gr milk
3gr salt
Caramelized the sugar with the glucose, add the salt, uncook with the cream and milk.
Pour spherical molds, and freeze.
Praliné cremeux
5gr gelatin powder
30gr blooming water
350gr heavy cream
700gr praliné paste
Bloom the gelatin, warm the milk, dissolve the gelatin in the warm milk.
Add the praliné paste in a mixer, add slowly the warm milk (with gelatin).
Add the cream, mix until the cream is homogenized, refrigerate.
White chocolate cream
150gr white chocolate
200gr heavy cream (whipped soft peak)
Whip the pastry cream, with the melted white chocolate, fold with the whipped cream.
Caramelized hazelnut
120gr hazelnut
25gr sugar
Bring the sugar and the water to 240°f (120°c), add the hazelnut, and stir until they caramelize, empty on a Silpat, once cold cut them in small pieces.
Add the pieces of caramelized hazelnut to the white chocolate cream.
Chocolate génoise sponge
18gr cocoa powder
18gr corn starch
5gr baking powder
90gr yolks
55gr sugar
110gr oil
150gr whites
110gr sugar
Whisk the yolks with sugar 1 and the oil. Whip the whites with the sugar 2. Sift the dry ingredients.
Mix the yolks with the whites, and fold in the dry ingredients, spread on a sheet pan and bake (350°f for about 8 minutes).
Once baked cut thin discs to lay at the bottom of the tarts.
Sugar dough
500gr butter
50gr eggs
760gr cake flour
Cream butter and sugar, add the egg, and finally the flour. Allow to cool, roll and lay in tart rings.
Freeze, and bake (350°f for about 10 minutes).